Everyone needs to adhere to the park requirements of wearing your mask, name badge, and wristband when in any park building or in close proximity to people. Social distancing needs to be practiced as well. Buildings include the work out rooms, laundry, front office, all activity buildings. We don’t want to have to close a room or pull an activity due to non-compliance. Everyone is working very hard to enjoy our amenities in a safe manner.
The Ranch House and Stretchin‘ Shed (west of Ranch House by walk path) are now open for use.
The Angel tree is now up in the Activity office. Please stop in and select a child to provide them with special gifts for Christmas. This year you will not have to wrap your gifts. The children are students at Seeds of Hope and ask for very little. Last season the Sundance community was very generous and all Angels were adopted by the first week of December. Let’s continue the tradition this season.
Monday 11/16 Walgreens will be here at the Hole in the Wall 1-3pm, administering vaccines. Please bring all insurance cards with you.
Tuesday 11/17 at 8:30am at the Hole in the Wall will be our Round Up park meeting. Short and long term guests are invited and sign up is a must. If you sign up and can’t make it, please let us know so others have an opportunity to attend.
Bingo will be in 2 sessions on Tuesday, 11am and 7pm to accommodate all players. Morning session is wide open and the evening session is filling quickly so do come to Activities to sign up for one session. We do have guidelines in place in order to have this event. We need 30 players to hold a session and a maximum of 43. Sign up by end of day on Monday.
Stop in a buy tickets for our dance on Sat. 11/21 at the Hole in the Wall 7-10pm. The Cobwebs Band will be playing ballads from the 60’s-80’s so we can dance the night away. $10 per person BYOB. Soda and water available for purchase.
There is a sign up sheet in Activities for Sunday Golf and also for the Thursday Golf Scramble.
Have a wonderful weekend !