Check out the happenings of today and the week!
SUPPORT our Veterans! Wear your red, white and blue this week and show your support for those who have served or are currently serving! Come on into Activities and check out the awesome, handmade in the USA raffle items that are available. Tickets are 7 for $5 or $1 each. Winners will be announced on Tue. 12/21. All proceeds go to support Veterans projects like the transitional home in Coolidge and other events.
Come to the Float meeting at 10am on Thu. 11/11 at 10am in the Ranch House. Let’s get the plans moving on making a beautiful float to represent our Sundance community. We look forward to seeing you there!
Activities has once again updated the weekly Schedule. Please stop in at our office and pick up the most current version.
Art Barn – If you signed up for the Beginner Progressive Crochet class it will be at 1pm today! Sign up is available in Activities for the December classes.
Hole in the Wall – Walk Exercise will be at 10am today. GOOD news! Senior Stretch will begin on Monday, 11/15 at 10:30am.
Gamblin’ Room – At 12pm Duplicate Bridge is played. We welcome all play levels and if you want to learn to play or have a partner, please join us! At 1pm Mah Jongg is played. RC Cars will have a meeting at 4-5:30pm. Cribbage and Progressive Hand & foot are played at 6:30pm.
Hang Out – Join us at 7pm for Euchre. Everyone is invited to play!
Gourd Shop – We now have a monthly calendar posted in the shop and also in Activities on our clip board.
Tai Chi will be on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday beginning the 11/15 on the patio at Pool 1, 10-11am. If you would like to improve your balance or create more awareness of your feet you are encouraged to join us. We will not exercise in the rain but will be there even in cooler temps.
Free hearing screenings will be at the Ranch House on Friday, 11/12. Please sign up in Activities as they will be here into the early afternoon.
We have a Park Ambassador that is available for Sundance tours. All new guests to the community are encourage to sign up in Activities for a free tour and learn more about what amenities are available to you.
If you are curious about Pickleball, all beginners are encouraged to come to the courts at 10am on Thursday, 11/11 for a weekly lesson. Equipment is provided and you must wear closed toed shoes.
Don’t forget to purchase your tickets to our dance this Saturday, 11/13 at the Hole in the Wall 7-10pm! JC & Laney will be performing their high energy acoustic rock songs. Be sure to check them out on FB, YouTube, or Bring your own beverage and snacks or purchase soda and water at the dance. We will provide ice as well. Public is invted.
Interested in learning more about agriculture and growing cotton in the desert? Sign up in Activities for the Caywood Cotton Farm tag-along on Monday, 12/6. Fee is $15 at sign up.
The Sundance Mustangs fought hard in both games of their double header yesterday. In game 1 Palm Creek Cobras beat the Mustangs 16-11. Game 2 Robson Ranch Rangers squeaked by 11-10. Mustangs are now 2 & 2. Next game is Thursday 11/11 at 2pm at the Palm Creek Field.
We are no longer collecting tabs from aluminum cans in Activities. Please leave them attached to the cans, crush them and drop off at site 171 for recycling. All proceeds go to the Sundance/Fairways Veterans.
A true hero is not measured by the size of his or her strength, but by the strength of his or her heart.