Please do not cut through any sites within Sundance. We don’t want to have utilities or plants damaged.
Please towel off before leaving the pool areas to lessen water accumulation on the restroom/shower floors. Drips create slips and we want everyone to be safe.
MGN Homes would like to welcome everyone to a full and eventful season here at Sundance 1 RV Resort. With all the growth and homes under construction, we ask that you resist the temptation to walk onto lots of inside of homes. This does create safety and liability challenges.
Thank you – A big round of applause to everyone who participated in the parade on Friday night. Your creativity in decorating your golf carts was beyond imaginable! We will schedule another one soon! Thank you to everyone who cheered and supported the participants too!
A big appreciation goes out to the small group who helped rejuvenate our cactus and cowboy and helped create our float for the Electric Light Parade. Many thanks to Cheri O’Brien, Kathy Jax, Bobby Camden, Judy Crosby, and Dave Yelton.
If you signed up for the Caywood Farms Tour Tag-Along it is TODAY! We suggest that you leave no later than 12:15pm from the park as the event does start at 1pm. We do have another scheduled on Monday, 1/7 at 1pm. Fee is $15 per person.
We have more seats available for the production of Chaps at the Hale Theatre on Friday 1/7, 4pm. Tickets are $32 each.
Christmas Dinner tickets are available in Activities for $12 per person. This does include your table service, meal, dessert and drink. If you prefer you can bring your own beverage. Social is at 3:30pm with dinner at 4pm and doors at the Hole in the Wall will open at 3:15pm. Please sign up before Friday 12/17.
Today– Anyone who does painting in watercolors, acrylics, or oil are invited to the Art Barn at 1pm
Gamblin’ Room will have Mah Jongg playing at 10am, Bridge at 1pm and Hand Foot & Toe at 6:30pm.
Hang Out Room is busy with Cactus Needles at 10am, Crafty Ladies at 1pm and Ping Pong at 7pm.
Hole in the Wall has Walk Exercise at 9am followed by Senior Stretch at 10:30am. Jammers will meet at 6:30pm.
Ranch House has beginner Origami class at 1pm. Fee is $3 which includes all supplies.
Shuffleboard is played at 9:30am. Tai Chi is at 10am at Pool 1 Patio. Water Volleyball is played at 1pm at Pool 2.
Stained Glass has their Mosaic Class today at 1pm. If you did sign up and can’t make it, please let the instructor know as we have a waiting list.
Spaces are still available for Open Dot Painting with Pam at the Art Barn on Friday 12/10 at 12:30pm. This is a no fee class and you are encouraged to bring your personal dot painting projects. Intermediate/Advanced Beginner Class will be held on Friday, 1/17 at 1pm and the fee is $10. Sign up is required.
Tuesday, 1/7 we invite all of our Sundance community to the Round Up Meeting at 8:30am in the Hole in the Wall. Our meeting sponsor will be Deron from PM-MH Insurance. We will have coffee, morning munchies and drawings too.
The Secret Ingredient food trailer will be here at pull through site 688, 11am-1:30pm.
Bingo will be at 7pm with card sales beginning at 6-6:45pm. Please wear your name badge, no alcohol is allowed and pay with small bills. This event is open to Sundance and Fairways only. We are looking forward to a great evening.
Art Barn has intro to Fiber Art (spinning) at 9am and all form of art at 1pm.
Wood Carving takes place at the Gamblin’ Room at 9am. Progressive Hand & Foot is at 9:30am. Samba is played at 6:30pm and Pinochle is at 7pm.
Hang Out is reserved in the morning and Darts is at 3:30pm with Poker at 6pm.
Ranch House Meetin’ Room has Hardanger (needlework) at 1pm.
We have sign-ups for Hearing Life free screenings that will be this Friday, 1/10 at the Ranch House Meetin’ room. SkyMed is hosting a lunch/seminar on in the Hang Out Room on Tuesday, 1/14 at 11:30am. The Sundance Blood Drive will be on Monday, 1/27 at 10am. Appointments are filling in so come to Activities to select yours.
Pickleball schedule is now posted in the Activity office.
Other things coming up are Town council meeting at the Ranch House Meetin’ Room on Wednesday, 1/8, 10am.
Happy Hour at Pool 1 Patio with Bob Villa playing country, classic rock, originals, blues and more! Check out his page on FB and his videos. This is a free event and donations to Activities and the entertainer are appreciated.
-“The way to get things done is not to mind who gets the credit for doing them.” – Benjamin Jowett