Manager’s Notes – With the weather warming up, ladies and gents, please remember that cover ups are to be worn when leaving the pool/spa areas. Thank you.
Friday 3/11-
Weather/wind permitting will have Shuffleboard at 9:30am, Tai Chi at 10am at Pool 1 patio, Novice play at the Pickleball courts at 11am, 1pm at Pool 2 is Water Volleyball, RC Racers at 1pm at the track.
Hearing Life is at the Ranch House Meet’ Room conducting free screenings. Please arrive 5-10 mins before your appointment.
Jim the Jewelry guy will be in the Activity parking lot at 9am with authentic Indian jewelry.
Jam practice is at the Hang Out Room at 8:30am
Lunch will be served at the Hole in the Wall 11am-1:30pm with a tasty menu of Asian bowl with steamed rice (topped with choice of beef & broccoli or orange chicken ) and egg roll $12
Tonight, Trio plus Two will be playing at the Hole in the Wall at 6:30pm. $1 optional donation and all proceeds go to the Sundance/Fairways Veterans. Enjoy great music and laughs too.
Room Schedules –
Art Barn 9am Beginner Dot painting class. Sign up was required and if you are unable to make the class, please contact Pam as there is a waiting list. 1pm Beginner Mandala Dot painting class and sign up was required.
Gamblin’ Room– 9am Wood Carving, 1pm Samba, 7pm Pegs & Jokers.
Hang Out Room 8:30am Jammer’s practice, 1pm Crafty Ladies, 9:30pm Trio After party.
Hole in the Wall has Walk exercise 9am, Senior Stretch 10:30am, Luch starting at 11am, and Trio Plus Two show at 6:30pm.
Ranch House Meetin’ Room has hearing screenings beginning at 9am.
Saturday 3/12 –
Breakfast is served at the Hole in the Wall at 8-10am with a menu of Biscuits & gravy $6, Breakfast bowl $ $6 and Chicken & waffles $8. See you in the morning!
Wildman Phil Show will be at 7pm at the Hole in the Wall at 7pm. Tickets are available now or at door $8 each. This will be a fun and educational show about the desert and all that it holds .
Computer lab has Windows 10 class at 9am at the Computer lab located on Tonto Street behind the Stained Glass shop.
Gamblin’ room has Intro to Photo Shop class at 11am. Bring your laptop with program on it. 1pm Mah Jongg , 6:30pm Hand Foot & toe, 7pm Pinochle.
Hang Out Room has Bunco at 7pm.
Hole in the Wall has breakfast starting at 8am-10am and Wildman Phil show at 7pm.
Saturday 3/12 will be the last opportunity to purchase St. Patrick’s Dinner tickets for Thursday 3/17. Carry out is available from 3:30-4pm only. 4:30-5pm is social and 5pm dinner will begin. Tickets are $16 each and includes dinner, dessert and beverage or you can bring your own.
Sunday 3/13-
Hole in the Wall 8:30am Church service. All guests are invited to join us.
Gamblin’ Room has Texas Hold’em at 4pm, Mexican train dominoes at 7pm.
Hang Out Room 1pm Trio practice 6:30pm Tournament Texas Hold’em.
Ranch House Meetin’ Room 7pm Bridge.
Campbell’s Band tickets are still available for our dance on Friday 3/25 at 7pm in the Hole in the Wall. Currently open to Sundance and Fairways guests only.
Reminder that the Veteran’s Meeting that would normally be at Sundance on Monday 3/14 will be at the new Transitional Center in Coolidge. Please sign up in Activities as there will be food served and they do require a fairly accurate count of attendees. Veterans, their guests and anyone else interested in the meeting and touring the center do need to sign up. We will car pool to the center on Monday so we will see you in the Activity parking lot at 7:30am.
Beginner Origami class will be held at the Ranch House Meetin’ Room at 1pm on Monday 3/14.
Softball News- The Sundance Mustangs were victorious yesterday defeating the Palm creek Diamondback 10-9. The next game is Tuesday 3/15 at the Palm Creek field at 1:30pm against the Palm Creek Cobras. Currently the Mustangs are in first place with two wins!
“Why do they call it rush hour when nothing moves?” – Robin Williams