A chilly morning, yet still beautiful as ever!
Drop by Activities and let us know what you are thankful for this winter season.
The Main office, Mail Room, and Activities office will be closed for Thanksgiving. Normal business hours resume on Friday.
Tickets are on sale now for the Arizona Wildflowers first performance at Sundance! Join us at 7pm Wed. Dec. 09 at the Hole in the Wall for an evening of bluegrass and Christmas music. This is an award winning local group of 3 sisters who play the mandolin, fiddle, and guitar along with 3 part harmony vocals. Tickets are $10 and seating is limited to 42. Check out their FB page https://www.facebook.com/thearizonawildflowers
On Friday the Woodcarvers will be in the Wood’N Gourd Shed by the Ranch House 10am-1pm instead of the Gamblin’ Room. All levels of skill are invited.
Don’t forget if you sign up for an event and can’t make it, please remove your name from the list to allow others to participate. Sign up is available for Tuesday Round Up meeting and Bingo sessions.
Our newly expanded Stain Glass room will be open Monday 11/30 at 9am.
Pickleball courts will be closed for cleaning on Monday 1-4pm. If you would like to help join us at the courts.
Friendly reminder that a mask, name badge and wristband is required to enter any building, office, laundry, restroom, fitness room or participate in an activity. Wristbands can be obtained in Activities. Thank you for your cooperation.
Have an Awesome Day!