Smoke Signal March 2021

Sundance 1 RV Resort

Manager’s Message –Leprechaun pot of gold clipart free clipart images -

It’s that time of year for a few Yearly Reminders ——

~ Contact your local post office 2 weeks prior to your departure to stop forwarding your mail.

~ Leave forwarding mailing labels with the mailroom if you want us to forward your mail. Without labels will not be able to forward your mail and it will be returned to sender.  If you need labels made the computer room will make them for you for a small fee. Even if you think you will not get mail – it is safest to give labels, as the park is growing it will be impossible for the mailroom to look up your address and make labels for you.  PLEASE, just leave at least a few!!

~ Annual Residents: Be sure to leave the name & contact number of your caretaker with the office. 

~ Please be sure to let the office know your departure date. This is just as important as letting us know you have returned in Fall!

~ RV Annuals must have a $200 deposit in order to guarantee your site for next season – No matter when your renewal date is.

~ Seasonal Guests – return mail box key and gate opener to front desk

~ On a good note – there will not be a rent increase for next season and therefore there will not be rent increase letters and billings be sent out this year – Be sure you know when your rent payment is due so you don’t get charged the $5.00 per day late fee.

 **An important added reminder — we will NOT be keeping anyone’s keys in the mailroom but if you would like to leave a set of keys for your caretaker, cleaning people, emergencies, etc. to get into your home while you are not here, we keep your keys in your file in a locked cabinet – they can be checked out and returned the same day!

This year has truly been one for the books and honestly not one we personally want to repeat!  We have made it safely to Texas and are beginning our duties as caretakers – lots to learn! The weather has been beautiful and not a sign of snow anywhere even though we have seen lots of tree branches that have fallen and even many places where the broken water pipes had happened and left visible damage. We truly hope to be back to see majority of you before you head back to your ‘other home’.

It is so hard to believe we are close to the season ending, it seemed to go by so incredibly fast this year!  We definitely pray that next year will bring us closer to our ‘normal’ type of season and all of our ‘family’ will be together again!

We want to give a BIG shout out of THANKS to all of the employees for their hard work & helping to make things run smoothly this season and especially during our absence!  It is definitely a TEAM effort and we all work hard to make your stay here as pleasant and fun as possible. Shelley & Derek Peck are back and assisting us during our leave of absence – they are definitely our eyes, ears, voice and feet on the ground and are so grateful they have been brought back – hopefully for the long term too!!!

This season of Covid has brought many challenges, and losses, some of those that we have lost to Covid and unexpected deaths will leave a hole in this park for many years to come!  There are so many that have called Sundance their home and home away from home for many years and they will be kept alive in our memories and many conversations when we speak of them!  Deepest sympathies to all who have lost a loved one this year, know you are in our thoughts and prayers.

To those leaving us this month — Safe travels, have a Wonderful Summer and we look forward to seeing you next season!

Tom and Kate Ebert, Managers


 Sundance 1 LLC Park Requirements

Failure to follow these guidelines may force us to close the activity/room.

  • A signed Assumption of Risk, Waiver and Release of Liability Agreement is required to be on file in the Activities office for all residents and guests that are staying at Sundance 1 RV Resort and want to use any of the amenities.
  • Once waiver is signed, you will receive a gold wristband. The wristband along with a cloth mask and Sundance name badge will be required to participate in any activity offered by the park or to enter any park facility.
  • For pool or hot tub use, the wristband should be worn and your name badge should be attached to your cover up or shirt.
  • Replacement bands will be available for $ 1 each in activities.
  • Wearing of masks for outdoor activities is optional, but social distancing is still required at all times.

All rules and regulations are subject to government guidelines and will be adjusted accordingly and as required.

Important Phone Numbers

911 for all police, medical and fire emergencies

Sundance Main Office 520-426-9662 (Non-business hours calls will transfer to Host)

Sundance Host 520-213-5914

Activities 520-876-2714

APS  1-800-240-2014                     City of Casa Grande 520-421-8600

Activities –

The season is flying by and it’s hard to believe that we are in March already!  Our calendars are still filled with many options for you to participate in!

We will be having our St. Patrick’s Day parade on Wednesday, Mar. 17 starting 12:30pm with the line up at the Ranch House parking  lot and parade starts at 1pm.  We will follow the perimeter roads and ask that everyone be aware of the participants. See page 10  for route directions as there is a slight change from last season to travel into SD 3.  Decorate yourselves, golf carts, and bikes and help us spread the Irish cheer!

Pick up your Corned Beef and cabbage dinner served by the Sauce Boss on Wednesday, Mar. 17 at 4pm in front of the Activity office. Dinner will be a carry out event only.  Tickets are $14 each and can be purchased now through noon on Tuesday Mar. 16. The meal includes corned beef, cabbage, red potatoes, carrots and a cookie.  FB page:  saucebossdelish

Don’t forget to take a ride or stroll over to Sundance 2 and check out the Gourd Shed located right by the Ranch House. It is also known as Shed #1 and is usually open Tuesday and Thursday. The Stretchin’ Shed is building #2 that is on the walk path just west of the Ranch House and has workout equipment for your use. The Art Barn is known as building #3 and is located by the RC Track and Pickleball courts and is open on Thursday.

Activity Coordinators and monitors please don’t arrive early for your room sessions if you are following another activity. We don’t want anyone being rushed out and proper sanitation needs to be done after each group uses a room.

Calendars are located in each room and are revised as needed. We have Weekly calendars in our office that show daily events, locations, and times.

There are never enough words of thanks to give out to all our volunteers.  Do know that you are vitally important to the Sundance community and it is a pleasure to work with each of you.

2 Old Dudes –

Preliminary March schedule – Mon. Mar. 01 – Tue. Mar. 02 11am -3pm

Wed. Mar. 3 – Thu. Mar. 4 Closed         Fri. Mar. 05, 3pm-6pm Last Fish Fry of season.

Mon. Mar. 08 – Tue. Mar. 09 11am-3pm         Wed. Mar. 10 – Fri. Mar. 12 Closed

Mon. Mar. 15 – Tue. Mar. 16 Open 11am-3pm        Wed. Mar. 17 Closed

Thu. Mar. 18  – Fri. Mar. 19  11am-3pm     Mon. Mar. 22 Closed    Tue. Mar. 23 – Fri. Mar. 26 11am-3pm, Last day of the season.  Schedule is subject to change and menu options reduced beginning Mon. Mar. 15.

Bible Study –

Join us as we study 123 John at 10am-11:30am in the Hang Out Room. For further info contact Deb G. #SD2 # 58.


In an effort maintain the tables properly please practice the following.  In the corner pocket of the table is a small piece of cloth that is to be placed under the cue ball when breaking the rack. There are wipes available in the dispenser that can be used to clean cue sticks and the top black rail on the table.  At no time are you to use any spray or wipes on the cloth of the table or on the pool balls. If you want to wipe the pool balls, please use a dry, clean paper towel with no solution. Only bottled water can be brought into the room and must be kept away from all tables and equipment. Tony Lau

Bingo –

Are you feeling “lucky”?  In March everyone is Irish so join us on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at the Hole in the Wall. Sign up is recommended and you can always come at 6:30pm at the Hole in the Wall to see if there are any seats available. Players who sign up must arrive between 6pm-6:30pm. If you arrive after that time, you will have to wait at the end of the line for walk-ins. Come and join us for an evening of fun and laughter for under $10.

Cactus Needles –

If you like to knit or crochet join us in the Hang Out room 10am-12pm on Mondays.  We work on projects for local agencies who are involved with foster children and the homeless.

Cans for Veterans –

We are happy to report that another $250 will be donated to the Sundance/Fairways Veterans, thanks to your contributions of aluminum cans!  We couldn’t do it without you and we thank everyone for the donations. We are now at $500 for the season. Drop off your cans at site 171 in the container. We do prefer them crushed but will accept uncrushed cans. Paul and Sally Brown

Ceramic Shop –

The Ceramic Shop is open and welcomes all. Hours are: Monday through Friday, 9am -12pm and 1-3:45pm. We have greenware, bisque and all the other supplies you would need to do your masterpiece. We have a monitor in everyday to help you and answer any questions you may have. Come and check us out. Lynn Olson, Ruthann Lindgren

Church –

Sundance Church holds non-denominational services every Sunday at 8:45am at the Hole in the Wall. Masks will be required and we will be allowed 50 in attendance. Chairs will be set up for social distancing.  We hope you will join us.

Condolences –

Deepest sympathy is sent to Jeanne Beck and family in the loss of Gordon, to Kathy Keiser and family in the loss of Don Maples and to Pat La Voie in the loss of her mother.

Country Store –

Our last Country Store is scheduled for Friday, Mar. 05, 9am to noon! The event will be outside around the pool 1 area.  Masks and social distancing still apply and we will have a walk pattern in place. Come on out and enjoy the fresh air while supporting our crafters. Delphine Becker

Fiction Book Club –

We will be meeting on Tuesday March 16 at 9:30am in the Hang Out Room. Discussion will be on Animal Dreams by Barbara Kingsolver. It is set in Arizona but as with most novels, it centers around the character that inhabit the plot. All are welcome to join the discussion. If you wish to be included in our email list, sign up in Activities under Book Club and we will let you know what we are reading next fall.  Lajla Hood

Gourd Workshop –

We are located in the Wood’ N Gourd Shop (building 1) next to the Ranch House in Sundance 2. There is plenty of parking behind the Ranch House. Our hours are Tuesday and Thursday 9am-12pm and 12:45-3:45pm. We offer beginner and advanced sessions and we suggest signing up due to the popularity.  Mask, name badge and wristband are required. Lynn Olson

Lapidary –

The Rock Shop is open and everyone is invited to check out what amazing things you can do with a rock!  We are raffling off a rock clock and funds will be put towards equipment. The clock is on display in Activities where tickets can be purchased for $1 each or 7/$5. Drawing will be on Tue. Mar. 16. Good luck and thank you!

Laundry –

Please remember when using the new washing machines that you do have to press the “start” button in order for the machine to begin the cycle. If you don’t press the “start” button the machine will time out and the unit will not operate. This is a different process than how the older machines are operated. Don’t put quilts or large bed coverings in our washers and dryers as they do not wash or dry these items well. We ask that you take them to one of the facilities in Casa Grande that can handle larger items of this nature.

Library –

We are now accepting donations of DVD movies to add to our Lending Library.  We still are declining book donations at this time. Come to the Ranch House and see what great reading material we have for you!  Barb Newman

Line Dance                                                                                                  

Join us every Thursday, 1-3pm at the Hole in the Wall for good fun and exercise. Fee is $2.00 per class. Everyone is welcome to join us.

Mailroom –

If you have individuals that are staying at your site and not registered with the front office, please do so and then stop by the Mailroom and let us know their name. Our room has been expanded; however, we are unable to hold mail that we don’t know who it belongs to. We also ask that you let us know if there are individuals at your site that have different last name(s) than you or if there is a business name associated with your site. We ask that everyone check your mailbox at least once a week. The mailboxes are only so big and often mail can’t be put in the box because it is full. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors –

If you are need of temporary help, please reach out to the Activities office so we can put you on the list.  We also have a volunteer list for anyone who wants to be a helper. For further info stop in at the Activities office or reach out to Sharon O.


The Sundance Pickleball Club caters to all skill levels, from those who just want to have social time with friends, to the more competitive players. Beginner lessons and skill practice is every Thursday, 10am – 11:15am and no worries as we have the equipment for you to use.  Schedules are available in Activities.


In an effort to keep debris down in the pools, please do not wear street shoes in any pools or hot tubs.  The fine gravel and dirt can have an effect on filters and possibly cause failure. Pool shoes are fine just don’t wear them to and from the complex.

RC Group

The Sundance 1 Radio Control car racing group is off and running for this season! We race every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1:30pm – 3:30pm.  If you think you would like to get involved in R.C. car racing, stop by the track, next to the pickleball courts and talk to one of the racers. We are happy to discuss what you need to get started and will probably will let you take a car around the track for a few laps. Andy Karlsnes #32

Random Acts of Kindness –

We had a total of 6 nomination forms submitted and several had 2 individuals or couples nominated!  What a wonderful community we have! Faye Bowles and Paige Dorsey were nominated by Karen DeBlasio. Faye came to her home every evening for 3 months as Karen recovered from shoulder surgery to put drops in her eyes and make sure things were ready for the morning. If Faye was unable to come, Paige was there for her as a backup. Olga Cortes brought flowers to Cindy and Joan Akason. Daryl Clark was ill and Lou Fearing is always there to help and he moved a mattress for him.  Carol Lund was nominated by Daryl and Darlene Clark for going above and beyond by lending a helping hand during their illness. Cindel and Kent Nielson dog sat, took care of things and provided rides to Carolyn Casinger during her hospitalization and recovery from Covid. Ken and Michelle Vegter ran errands and brought groceries to Mike and Carol Barber during their illness.  Thank you to everyone for their kindness and nominations.  March nominees are due in by Sat. 20.

Round Up Meeting –

Join us for morning munchies, coffee and tea at the Hole in the Wall at 8:30am to learn about news of the park!  All guests are invited regardless of the length of your stay.

Rzr Group –

If you’re interested in joining our group for some great desert riding feel to reach out to me to get on the email list. We usually ride on Tuesdays except for holidays. Stop in at Activities for more info.   Andy K.

Senior Stretch –

Guys and gals are invited for a great work out on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10:30-11:30am at the Hole in the Wall. This is a low impact workout for those of us who may not be able to do the more strenuous types of movement or for those who just want to move. Give us a try! Nancy Bittinger

Shuffleboard –

The annual shuffleboard tournament was completed and the winners are: Champions – Mike Rivers and Bob Wilcox. This was a special day for Bob as it was his birthday!  2nd place Linda Heger and Joe Hess, 3rd place Claudia Winter and Bruce Foreman, and 4th place Ken Hodgson & Earl Baker. Regular shuffleboard is scheduled at 9:30am Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and everyone plays for themselves. Bowling pin shuffle is on Tuesday at 9:30am and this is a team event. If you have never played and would like to learn, come out and we will teach you. The shuffleboards are here for anyone to use anytime if you want to play, however you must learn how to prepare the boards for play and learn the before and after care that is required. The cost is 50 cents per day. Masks are required because it’s difficult to social distance. Everyone so far has been wearing masks and have a great time!  We have been involved with this game for the past 20 years and want to thank all of you that help keep this activity going even with the work it takes each day. Thank you, Joe and Carolyn Hess

Stained Glass –

We have an opportunity for YOU!  We realize that some of you are too busy to join us in creating a stained glass piece of art and we wish you would give us a chance!  We have a stepping stone to raffle and you can view it in Activities and purchase tickets too! $1 each or 7/$5.  Drawing will be Tue. Mar.16 at the Round Up Meeting.  We really do appreciate your support!  As you know we have adjusted our hours and safety protocols. We thank you for your patience during our evaluation time and are so happy to have figured out how to serve you in a safe environment. Open Mon. 9-11:45am, Wed. and Thu. all day and Fri. 1-3:45pm. Try it! You may love it!  Jim McBride, Harriett Reed,  Cindel Nielson

Sundance Woodcarvers –

Sundance Woodcarvers meet on Tuesday and Friday from 9am-12pm in the Gamblin’ Room. We welcome newcomers and all other skill levels. We have a number of patterns for beginner projects and experienced carvers are very willing to help everyone. Craig Johnson

Sundance 1 & 2 Quilters/Sewers –

We have received a generous donation of fleece kits for soft blankets that will be sewn and donated to the Casa Grande Police Department to give to children or adults that are involved in difficult situations. Officer Anderson came to the January meeting and shared with the sewing room how much the blankets mean to individuals and often make their job of comforting much easier. Thanks to Sandy and Barb for thinking of the Sundance Quilters with the fleece donation. Our Friendship committee has been busy with three presentations of quilts to residents who have experienced life changing events. Our Community Charity is completing projects for Oasis Nursing & Rehab Center and for the foster children program. Irene Mattoon, Sundance Quilter’s Co-Chair

Sunshine Committee –

Your Sundance friends are like family and they care about each other. If you know of someone who has suffered a loss, in the hospital, or recovering at home please email their info to Darlene at or you can always drop off the info to Activities as well.

Thank You –

Activities sincerely appreciates all of the room and activity Coordinators for their work in keeping things open and sanitized this season.  Monitors, you are also appreciated for your efforts that you put forth in helping things run smoothly.

Town Council –

We’re having an election for two positions that will be available on the Town Council. Early voting is available for anyone who will not be available to vote on Tuesday March 2. On Saturday Feb. 27 at 10am until 12pm only, early voting will be at site #487 Sundance or at site #324 Autry.  Election day is Tuesday March 2 following the Round Up Meeting. Beginning at approximately at 9:30am and ending at 12pm you will be able to cast your vote outside at the gazebo/BBQ area by the Hole in the Wall.  Please wear your mask, social distance and follow all recommended protocols as outlined by Sundance RV Resort.  Alan W.

Veterans Group

The Veterans Group meets on the second Monday at 10:00am in the Hangout Room and we invite all who served in the U.S. and Canadian armed forces to join us. We are raffling off a beautiful quilt and matching tote to raise funds for community projects. Tickets will be one dollar each or seven tickets for five dollars and the quilt and tote is on display in Activities. The winner will be announced on Tue. Mar. 09. Again, we thank everyone for their support to our veterans. Barry Segal. FW#168

Sundance Resident Spotlight –

Faye and Barry Bowles had friends here at Sundance and they had visited Quartzite and received a special stay offer in 2016.While enjoying their stay at the park she fell in love with it.  Faye enjoys card playing and is especially missing line dancing. Barry and her will be celebrating 50 years of marriage in September.

Olga Cortes and her former husband came into Sundance to see what the park was all about. Instantly people were waving as they drove through the park. She knew that Sundance was right for her and in February 2021 she became a park model owner and she loves her neighbors. She enjoys doing nice things for people without being recognized as is humbled by the nomination.

Lou Fearing was checking the Good Sam website for parks in the Casa Grande area and decided with his wife Jamie, to stay at Sundance.  Since 2015 they have been here and have now made Sundance their home base. The best things about Sundance are “The friendly people that help each other and that the owners are reinvesting in the park” says Lou. On March 17, yes, St. Patrick’s Day, Lou and Jamie will be celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary.

Carol Lund has been at Sundance for 17 years and has worked camped at Sundance for 16 years. She didn’t know a lot about Sundance but her husband of 38 years, Dave came over to play pool on a regular basis. Their former park didn’t feel just right to them and one day they came to Sundance to look around. They drove through the gate and were immediately waved at by several individuals. Carol asked Dave, “Do you know them?” He said, “No, I thought you knew them.”  She knew right then that Sundance was the place to be!

Kent Nielson was surfing the web looking for RV parks that had pickleball courts in the Casa Grande area when he found Sundance.  He also noted all of the amenities that the park offered including Ceramics which Cindel, his love of 39 years, enjoys.  They have been here 4 seasons and just recently became owners of a park model.

Ken and Michelle Vegter traveled from Colorado and took advantage of a special being offered through an RV program to stay at Sundance. Almost the same day they arrived, 4 years ago, they were hired as work campers. They both like to stay busy and enjoy the friendships they have made here in the park. In August, they will celebrate 47 years of marriage.