Beautiful full moon to the west of Sundance this morning.
Join us this morning at 8:30am for the Round Up meeting at the Hole in the Wall for our park meeting. All guests are encouraged to attend and there is still a chair available for you. Refreshments are served and there will be prizes as well.
Woodcarvers are at the Wood’ N Gourd Shed (by the Ranch House) 9am-1pm today. Beginners are very welcome to join us. The weekly calendar has been updated with their new location.
Morning Bingo didn’t have the minimum number of players. If you’re interested in evening and haven’t signed up, you can arrive at the Hole in the Wall at 6:30pm to see if there are seats available.
Bible Study will be held in the Hang Out Room beginning at 10am on Wed. 12/02.
Ukulele Group meets at the Ranch House Meetin’ Room at 1-3pm on Wed. 12/02
Tickets for the Arizona Wildflowers are available at Activities. This group is comprised of 3 talented sisters. Join us at 7pm on Wed. 12/16 at the Hole in the Wall for bluegrass and Christmas music. $10 per person.
Country Store will be Fri. 12/4 9am-12pm. There will be a walk pattern, masks required along with social distancing.
Random Acts of Kindness nomination forms can be picked up in the Activity office. Deadline is Sat. Dec.12. at 4pm.
Don’t forget to purchase tickets for the Sundance/Fairways Veterans raffle. Your choice of a stained glass picture or quilt. $1 per chance or 7 for $5. Activities has both on display or you can also purchase tickets at the Round Up Meeting. Drawing will be just before Christmas.
Did you know that while in the Laundry room, Fitness room , Offices, or any other Sundance building a mask, name badge and wristband are required to be worn? If you need a wristband, please visit the Activity office.
“I’d rather regret the things I have done than the things that I haven’t.” – Lucille Ball