Great Morning Sundance!

October 14, 2020

Dear Residents & Guests,                                                                         

We are making every attempt to keep our residents healthy and safe during this upcoming winter season.  We are asking everyone to follow the current standards set by local, state, & federal government requirements as well as the CDC recommendations.  These standards will be adjusted as directed by the government agencies overseeing the location of each resort.

We have many wonderful programs, activities, and events planned for the season and, if necessary, we may need to revise them for the safety and welfare of all of our guests.  Some of our planned activities may have a later start-up date.  We anticipate all amenities being available, with a proposed start date of November 2nd.  We will find innovative ways to make your stay fun and enjoyable!

We must remain vigilant and follow all government guidelines to avoid the spread of Coronavirus.  We are all in this together – we do not want our residents to become ill and are hopeful that the spread of the virus can be avoided if everyone does their part.  Please be kind and respectful of others. You are an important part of our family, please stay safe and feel free to contact your management team with questions. 


  • Masks must be worn in all resort facilities.
  • Practice social distancing by remaining 6 feet from others.
  • Wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer. Carrying your own would be to your advantage.


As a reminder, if you are running a temperature, experiencing a fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, or loss of taste or smell, please STAY HOME.  If you are medically compromised for any reason please be especially vigilant. 

Activity Office will open Thursday 10/15,  9am-3pm. Please practice social distancing and wear your mask when visiting our office.

Activity/Room Coordinator Openings

Genealogy Coordinator

Yoga Coordinator

Woodworking Coordinator

Come to Activities for more info


Enjoy the Sunshine and have a wonderful day!