Friday & Beautiful Sundance!

Another beautiful day at Sundance 1 RV Resort! Make sure that you stop by the Hole in the Wall for breakfast or lunch served up by the 2 Old Dudes 7am-1pm.  Our last Country Store of the season is 9am-12pm which will feature hand crafted items and small business products.

Silver Star Tag A-Long is this evening. Please arrive by 5pm as we have early seating at 5:15pm. Darlene is our leader for this event and will have your tickets in the bar area when you arrive.

Tomorrow is the Sundance Blood Drive at the Hole in the Wall 8am-12pm. Appointments are available although walk-ins are welcome.

Patio sales will be park wide 8am-12pm. There should be a many  treasures available.

No band Saturday night due to lack of interest.

Volunteers you should have received your invitation to the luncheon. Please check in at the Activities front desk for your seating time by Saturday afternoon if possible. We do have a list of names and any Coordinator that didn’t submit names should come to Activities.


Wed. 3/11 -Senior Stretch

Thu. 3/12 – Walk Exercise       Couples Dance   Line Dance

Fri. 3/13 – Walk Exercise        Senior Stretch

Upcoming Events-

Volunteer Luncheon Wed 3/11 Hole in the Wall

New Image Fashion Sale Thu. 3/12 Hole in the Wall 9am-3pm

Trading Post (formerly Show N Tell) Hole in the Wall 9am-11am

Sundance Musical Review Trio Plus One  Hole in the Wall 7pm $1 optional  donation will go to the Veterans Group.

Western Days  is park Wide fun!  Come to Activities for more info! Teams and Individual participants need to sign up by Thu. 3/12 at 4pm. Volunteers please come on in to sign up to help with an event.

Parade, who doesn’t love one! St. Patrick’s Day parade at Sundance will be on Tue. 3/17. Line up at the Ranch House parking area at 1:30 and parade starts at 2pm.  Maps and street directions are posted in Activities and bullietin boards. For more info contact Terry & Bev #449.

After the parade the 2 Old Dudes will be serving corned beef and cabbage dinner for $12. Tickets are available from 2 Old Dudes or Activities.

Sundance Round Up meeting will be at 8:30am at the Hole in the Wall. Join us to learn more about what is happening at Sundance! Coffee, tea and morning munchies are available.

Veterans Group will have their Monday meeting on 3/9 in the Hang Out Room at 10am. All current, retired veterans and spouses are invited. Ken Madrid from the American Legion will host a question and answer session which would be beneficial to spouses and widows of veterans. He is a Veterans Affairs liaison and will have specific info regarding benefits.

Cactus Needles will meet Monday at the Ranch House 10am-12pm.

Jammers will be performing at the Hole in the Wall 6:30-8:30pm Monday evening.

Enjoy your day, the weekend and sunshine!