Friday at Sundance 1 RV

Today the Woodcarvers will be in the Wood’N Gourd Shed by the Ranch House. If you’re interested in learning what they do and how they do it, stop on in 9am-1pm.  All skill levels are welcome.

Saturday night , 11/28, Corn Hole aka Bags will be set up in the Hole in the Wall at 7pm.  Bring your teams and let’s have some fun. Masks and social distancing required.

Don’t forget to sign up for the Round Up meeting held every Tuesday morning, 8:30am  at the Hole in the Wall.  Everyone is invited regardless of your length of stay. refreshments served and there will be prizes too.

Bingo sign up is in Activities for morning and evening sessions. You can sign up for both if you would like.  We would like to see more players for the morning and keep in mind 30 players are needed to hold the session.

The Rzr group will meet at the Sundance 1 gate on Tue. 12/1 at 8:30am. Ride info is available in Activities.

Fri. 12/4 Country Store will be held 9am-12pm. Time to do some shopping.  There will be a walk pattern, masks and social distancing are a must.

Wed. 12/9 The Arizona Wildflowers will be playing bluegrass and Christmas music 7pm at the Hole in the Wall. This local group consists of sisters who play the guitar, mandolin, and fiddle with harmonizing vocals. Tickets are $10 per person and available in Activities. Check out their FB page and videos.

Sat. 12/12 will be park wide patio sales at Sundance. 8am-12pm.


“No matter what people tell, words and ideas can change the world” – Robin Williams