The Arizona Wildflowers show is sold out! Thank you for your support and we will see you Wednesday night, 12/9 at 7pm in the Hole in the Wall. Mask, name badge, and wristband is required.
Join us this morning at 8:30am for the Round Up Meeting at the Hole in the Wall to learn about park news and upcoming events. Refreshments are served!
Tonight’s Bingo session is filled! We do have seats available for Thursday, 12/10 session. Sign up is in Activities.
Reminder that the Ranch House is reserved this evening 4-8pm for the Horseless Carriage (Good Sam) guests.
Town Council will meet Wed. 12/9 at the Ranch House 9-10:30am. Do make sure you submit your suggestions and concerns by end of day today. Forms are in Activities.
Bible Study will be on Wed. 12/9 in the Hang Out room 10-11:30pm.
Caregiver Workshop will be held Friday 10am-12pm at the Ranch House Meetin’ Room.
Vitalant Blood Drive will be held at the Hole in the Wall on Mon. 12/28, 12:30-4:30pm. Sign up is located in Activities along with more info.
In preparation for our Gourd Workshop, we are in need of bath towels. They can be already cut down or full size. Drop them off at Activities.
Please remember that a mask, name badge and wristband are to be worn when entering any park building. This does include any office, laundry, and fitness room. Masks are optional outside unless you are in close contact with others. If you need a wristband please come to Activities.
To wake up each day is a blessing. To be able to get out of bed is a bonus –