SMOKE SIGNAL Sundance 1 RV Resort
Manager’s Message –
Welcome Back to another season at Sundance 1 RV Resort/Sundance 2!
We are working hard to make this season as “normal” as we can under the restrictions & changes COVID-19 continues to bring. The things we have re-learned thru this year are to ‘Not take anything for granted, to be thankful each & every day, for what we have because it all could change tomorrow! Most importantly, stay focused on simple joys each day brings!
While this season may look a little different one thing remains the same, Sundance is an awesome place to spend the winter!! One change we are trying to put in place and appreciate your help is making the front desk as contactless as possible. While we need our RVers to come in and register, those who just need to make rent or electric payments are encouraged to use the Office Drop Box mail slot in the hallway across from the mailroom door where you can place your payments in an envelope clearly labeled what the payment is for. We will then put your receipt in your mailbox or email it to you. If you are a returning resident and need to inform the office/mailroom you have returned please call the front desk at 520-426-9662. Until the new pick-up window is installed (it will be located in the outside walkway by mailboxes) we ask that you please enter the mailroom for package and mail pickup via the back door by the water machine and avoid coming thru the front office doors.
The front office and mailroom will continue to be open from 9 am – 3 pm except for the following dates; Both will close at Noon on Thursday Dec 24th & Thursday Dec 31st and closed all day on Friday Dec 25th & Friday Jan 1st.
We hope everyone had a wonderful & turkey filled Thanksgiving and were able to focus on things you are thankful for! The Christmas season is now upon us and brings many reasons to Celebrate…the cheery & bright decorations, Christmas Carols, making our homes festive, baked goodies, making special memories with family & friends and most of all, celebrating the main ‘Reason for the Season’!
Wishing you a Safe & Prosperous Season,
Tom & Kate Ebert
Sundance 1 LLC Park Requirements
Failure to follow these guidelines may force us to close the activity/room.
- A signed Assumption of Risk, Waiver and Release of Liability Agreement is required to be on file in the Activities office for all residents and guests that are staying at Sundance 1 RV Resort and want to use any of the amenities.
- Once waiver is signed, you will receive a gold wristband. The wristband along with a cloth mask and Sundance name badge will be required to participate in any activity offered by the park or to enter any park facility.
- For pool or hot tub use, the wristband should be worn and your name badge should be attached to your cover up or shirt.
- Replacement bands will be available for $ 1 each in activities.
- Wearing of masks for outdoor activities is optional, but social distancing is still required at all times.
All rules and regulations are subject to government guidelines and will be adjusted accordingly and as required.
Important Phone Numbers
911 for all police, medical and fire emergencies
Sundance Main Office 520-426-9662 (Non-business hours calls will transfer to Host)
Sundance Host 520-213-5914
APS 1-800-240-2014
City of Casa Grande 520-421-8600
Activities 520-876-2714
Activities –
Even with a slow start to the season, we feel that the wait was all worth it! Kudos to everyone for being understanding and helpful as a community in maintaining park requirements of mask, name badge, wristband, practicing social distancing, and sanitizing after room use so we are all to enjoy our Sundance amenities.
We want everyone to have an opportunity to enjoy and event or learn a skill, so please sign up for what interests you may have. If you discover you are unable to attend an event, do cross of your name to allow others to participate.
Activity Coordinators and monitors please don’t arrive early for your room sessions if you are following another activity. We don’t want anyone being rushed out and proper sanitation needs to be done after each group uses a room.
The Weekly calendar is available in the Activity office now. Updates can occur at any time so make sure you have the most current version. Room calendars are located in each room, so feel free to go exploring and see what fun things await you.
Activity teams worked hard at the beginning of the season to pressure wash all tables and chairs. Please do your part to keep the tables and chairs from being marked up or defaced. Do not put your gum under the tables or chairs, please dispose of it properly.
Bible Study – Join us as we study Jonah beginning Wed. Dec. 02 at 10-11:30am in the Hang Out Room. For further info contact Deb G. #512.
Bingo – Our first session went off wonderfully and all players followed park requirements. We have a 11am and 7pm sessions available every Tuesday to accommodate all players. Please sign up in Activities for one or both sessions, no later than Monday at 4pm. We do need a minimum of 30 players to hold a session.
Cactus Needles – If you like to knit or crochet join us in the Hang Out room 10am-12pm. We work on projects for local agencies who are involved with foster children and the homeless.
Cans for Veterans – Drop off your aluminum cans at site 171 in the container. We do prefer them crushed but will take uncrushed cans as we well. All proceeds are donated to the Sundance/Fairways Veterans group. Thank you from Paul and Sally
Caregiver Workshop – We will host our first meeting at the Ranch House Meetin’ Room 10am-12pm on Friday Dec. 11th. Limit of 6 participants and Erin from Angel Care Home Health will be moderator.
Church – Sundance Church holds non-denominational services every Sunday at 8:45am at the Hole in the Wall. Masks will be required and we will be allowed 50 in attendance. Chairs will be set up for social distancing. We hope you will join us.
Condolences – Heartfelt sympathy is extended to Julie Aho. in the loss of Don and to Leonard Casken in the loss of his mother.
Country Store – Friday, Dec. 04 will be our next Country Store of the season. (January 2021 store will be held on Friday the 8th) Our first Country Store went very well and we are anticipating the same with our second one. We will have a walk pattern in place along with mask and social distancing requirements.
Couples Dance – Class will be held every Thursday beginning Dec. 03, 10am-12pm at the Hole in the Wall. $1 per couple per class. Sign up is available in Activities.
Dogs – Please be a responsible pet owner and pick up after your pet. We have dog parks located in the Sundance 1 and Sundance 2. Around detention ponds in Sundance 1 there are designated pet areas as well. Please do not allow your pet to defecate on any sites whether occupied or not. Your fur baby needs to be kept on a leash at all times unless you are in the dog park and only walked on asphalt surfaces not concrete.
Housekeeping – Do not remove sanitizer spray bottles from rooms. All rooms have at least one or more bottles designated to each room. If you find one in the wrong room, please return it to the proper location.
Laundry – Please do not place quilts or large bed coverings in washers or dryers as they do not wash or dry well in our machines. There are several facilities in Casa Grande that can handle larger items of this nature.
Library – Barb N. has graciously accepted the Coordinator position for the Library. If you haven’t checked out our new location in the Ranch House, please do! Volunteers are welcome to sign up in Activities. Donations of gently read books are being accepted and can be placed in the wire baskets in the library. Thank you to Kathy D. for your past several years of library coordination.
Line Dance – Class is held every Thursday, 1-3pm at the Hole in the Wall. Fee is $2.00 per class.
Mailroom – Please stop by and let us know if there are individuals at your site that have different last name(s) than you or if there is a business name associated with your site. This is important info so we don’t “return mail to sender” due to not knowing the name differences. December brings Saturday hours of 10:30am-12:30pm. Thank you for your help.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors – If you are need of temporary help, please reach out to the Activities office so we can put you on the list. We also have a volunteer list for anyone who wants to be a helper. For further info stop in at the Activities office or reach out to Sharon O.
Pool- In an effort to keep debris down in the pools, please do not wear street shoes in any pools or hot tubs. The fine gravel and dirt can have an effect on filters and possibly cause failure. Pool shoes are fine just don’t wear them to and from the complex.
Quality Custom Travel – Travel is opening up following all the safety guidelines. I have 3 trips that I want to highlight.
$1179.00pp double $1550 single
- COPPER CANYON MEXICO March 6-13, 2021
$1895 pp double, 2225 single
Contact Joyce Gerdes # 407, to make reservations., 920-621-2306
Random Acts of Kindness – Do you know someone who has a done a “good deed” for you or the park? Perhaps someone went above and beyond what was expected. Come to the Activities Office and fill out a Random Act of Kindness nomination form. Nominations will be unread until drawn at random around the 13th of each month beginning in November. The selected nominees will receive a gift and will be acknowledged in the next Smoke Signal edition. We had 11 nominations for November which is wonderful! We are proud to announce that Gary T. and Joe H. were drawn at random to receive the kindness gift. Gary came to the rescue of Cindy A. when her golf cart died in the middle of the road. Joe surprised Ann S. and washed her driveway before she arrived at Sundance. Honorable mention kudos go to the following nominees; Larry N. for helping Joan A. get home after her car died in 114 degree heat, Tami W. for her work in the library submitted by Madonna R., Dave Y. for helping Lori R. move stone in 110 degree temps, Carolyn H. for picking up Ann S. at the airport, Gary L. helped Cynthia A. with repairs, Kathy L. for bringing a thank you-appreciation bouquet of roses to Kate E., Darcus A. gave flowers for no reason to Michelle T., and Ken V. received two nominations. One for helping Cindy A. with set up and the other for going out of his way to help everyone all the time submitted by Michelle T. Congrats to all! Deadline for December nominations is Friday the 11th.
Round Up Meeting – Everyone is invited to our park meeting held every Tuesday morning at 8:30am sharp at the Hole in the Wall to learn about upcoming events and news in the park. Often, we will have guest speakers who provide information on services they offer. Refreshments are served and sign up is recommended due to limited room capacity.
Rzr Group – If you’re interested in joining our group for some great desert riding feel to reach out to me to get on the email list. Usually we ride on Tuesdays except for holidays. Stop in at Activities for more info. Andy K.
Shuffleboard – Shuffleboard is up and running and we have been having a great time. Our cost to play is 0.50 a day per person. Regular shuffleboard is scheduled at 9:30 Monday Wednesday & Friday with everyone playing for themselves. Bowling pin shuffle is on Tuesday at 9:30 which is a team event. If you have never played shuffleboard, join us, as we will be happy to teach you. Masks are not required but highly recommended because it is difficult to social distance. Everyone playing has been wearing masks trying to keep everyone healthy.
Sundance Motorcycle Riders – Our group is growing and rides are usually on Sundays. If you’re interested in joining, stop in at Activities for additional info. Thanks Doug B.
Sunshine Committee – Your Sundance friends are like family and they care about each other. If you know of someone who has suffered a loss, in the hospital, or recovering at home please email their info to Darlene at
Thank You – A word of thanks to Doug B., Vikki and Sundance Maintenance who helped Tami W. box books and move the library to the Ranch House. A big thank you to Tami W. for revitalizing the bookcases and putting books back on the shelves. Job well done!
Town Council – Your Town Council encourages everyone to complete the form located in Activities to address any comments or suggestion you may have on how to improve the Sundance community. It’s important that it is signed for it to be considered for discussion. – Alan.
Veterans/Group – The Sundance and Fairways combined Veteran’s Group hold meetings at the Hang Out room at Sundance the second Monday in Nov., Jan. and Mar. Next meeting will be Mon. Dec. 14 at Fairways. Sign-up sheet is in the Activities Office along with a roster listing. New veterans are encouraged to sign up for news about the group. We are a social group with no afflation with any of the national veterans’ organizations. Barry S. FW#168
Wanted – We are still looking for coordinators for Dominoes, Genealogy, Pegs & Jokers. We want to keep these activities on the calendars, so stop in at Activities to learn more.
Sundance Resident Spotlight – Joe Hess has been coming to Sundance since the Fall of 1998. He’s been active in the park on different levels from setting up tables to organizing events. He enjoys people and the comradery that it brings when participating in an activity or coordinating one. He especially enjoys Shuffleboard since it is a sport that everyone can participate in even if an individual has physical challenges. Like the saying goes, “behind every good man is a good woman” and his lovely wife, Carolyn of 60 years this past summer, is always at his side helping him out whenever needed. Congratulations Joe!
March of 2017 Gary Traphagan and wife, Michelle, arrived at Sundance through a preferred park program. Immediately they “felt the love of the park” and purchased a park model. Shortly after that a second one was purchased to accommodate friends and family. Time moved on and park models were sold and now they reside in Sundance 2. Gary’s philosophy is “just help out people and don’t expect anything in return. It’s good for you as well as the person you helped.” He’s quite humbled by the nomination. Gary and Michelle celebrated their silver anniversary a couple of months ago. Congratulations to you Gary!