We hope that whether you’re near or far, that your Christmas was truly a blessing.
Today the Blood Drive will be held in the Hole in the Wall 12:30-4:30pm. A gentle reminder that masks, name badge and wristband does need to be worn and do practice social distancing.
Sign up for the Round Up Meeting that will be held Tue. 12/29, 8:30am at the Hole in the Wall. Everyone is invited to learn about upcoming events and park news. Refreshments are served and there are drawings too!
Tue. 12/29 Bingo is full at this time. You can always stop by the Hole in the Wall at 6:30pm to see if there are seats available.
January is shaping up to be busy and we do hope that you will sign up and participate in the events that are scheduled. Sign up is available for Tue. Jan. 12 SkyMed luncheon and seminar, 11:30 Hang Out Room. On Thu. Jan 14 Hearing Life will be here conducting screenings in the Hang Out Room beginning at 9am. Caregiver Workshop will be held on Fri. Jan. 15 at the Ranch House 10am-12pm. There is a second one scheduled for Fri. Jan. 22. Health protocol will be practiced at all events.
Reminder that our next Country Store will be held on Friday, Jan. 8 9am-12pm not Jan. 1st.
When existing the pool, please use the restroom/shower room not the Laundry room restroom. Your dripping suit create a fall hazard for everyone in that room as well as a wet mess.
Not everyday is good. But there is good in everyday.-