Management Notes – On Thursday Nov. 04 from 8am-Noon (or as needed) ALL water service in Sundance 1 will be shut off for needed repairs. The Ranch House will be usable.
Business – The Mailroom does a phenomenal job considering the volume it handles on a daily basis. Please help them out by checking you mail at least twice a week. The mail boxes are not that big and do fill quickly.
Fun Stuff –
Let’s get our shuffleboards ready for play! Meet at the boards today at 9am to get them cleaned and ready to go! If you want to learn the proper maintenance that is done on our shuffleboards, come and help us and we will be happy to teach you on the upkeep.
Art Barn has the first Beginners Progressive Crochet class 1-3pm. Sign up was required for this class.
Gamblin’ Room will have Duplicate Bridge at 12pm and anyone and everyone who would like to play or learn to play are invited to come join us. At 1pm Mah Jongg will be played and at 6:30pm Cribbage starts along with Progressive Hand & Foot.
Hang Out Room will have the Quilt Room Luncheon at 11am and Euchre is played at 7pm.
Hole in the Wall has Walk Exercise at 9am and Senior Stretch is at 10:30am.
The Ukulele Group meets at the Ranch House at 1pm. All players are invited regardless of your playing level. Beginners are encouraged to come on in!
Water Volleyball will be at Pool 2 beginning at 1pm. This will be the first one to have some fun in the water!
Country Store will be this Friday 11/5 in the Hole in the Wall and around the Pool 1 complex. The Secret Ingredient will be here serving up breakfast at 6am. We hope to see you supporting our vendors!
If you attended the Mandala Dot Painting class season, please stop in Activities and let us know what you would like to paint on next.
Tickets are available for our first dance with JC and Laney singing and playing some great music on Sat. 11.13 at the Hole in the Wall. Thanksgiving dinner tickets are $10 for a very nice meal. Desserts can be potluck and you are encouraged to purchase early as sales have been steady.
Sign Up for the Card Making class that will be on Fri. 11/5 at the Ranch House. $10 for 4 cards that you can personalize yourself.
The Sundance Mustangs defeated the Robson Ranch Raptors, 16-13 on Tuesday. Maurice Parobec and Jake Bohl were 4 for 4 with 1 RBI. Doug Saltus was 3 for 3 with 3 RBI’s. Our next game is Thu. 11/4 at 11:15am on the Robson Ranch Field. A hearty congratulations to Jake Bohl who was selected as COACH OF THE YEAR for 2021 Winter League. Our schedule is posted in the Activitiy office.
Walgreens Flu Clinic sign up will be pulled down today at noon. SkyMed will host a free lunch/seminar on Tue. 11/9 in the Hang Out. Hearing Life will be here for free screenings on Fri. 11/12 at the Ranch House. Sign up for your specific appointment time that fits your schedule!
We have 2 tickets at $32 each available for Mary Poppins on Fri. 11/19, 3pm show. They are not seated together, although you will be with our Sundance group.
-“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” – Mother Theresa