Have A Dream Sundance!

No mail today as it is Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday.

Today join us at the Hole in the Wall at 8:30am for the Round Up Meeting. Today’s speaker is Joe from National Mobile Home Ins. Whether you’re a long timer or short timer, please join us for coffee, tea & morning munchies.

Jammers will be at the Hole in the Wall at 6:30pm offering great music & vocals.

Fairways Bingo will have card sales beginning at 6pm. Game starts at 7pm. Open to Fairways, Sundance & their registered guests only. Please wear your name badge & players must be 18 years old to play.

Tue. 1/21 Hole in the Wall is closed until 3:30pm to all Activities as we will be having our lunch & fashion show.

Sundance Bingo is in the Hole in the Wall with card sales 6-6:45pm. Please wear names badges & pay with smaller currency if possible. Players must be 18 years old, be a resident of Sundance or Fairways or a registered guest only. Game starts at 7pm.

Wed. 1/22 Tickets are still available for the William Florian Show at 7pm at the Hole in the Wall. $10 in advance. He will be performing The Spirit & Songs of the 60’s. www.florianmusic.com

Casino Fun Bus leaves the park at 9:45am sharp. Once again it is a sold out venture. Watch for upcoming news on the next trip!

February Smoke Signal deadline is Thu. 1/23. Drop your articles off in Activities or email them in so your group can be in the news!.

More News!

Casino Night meeting will be in the Hole in the Wall 1-2pm on Wed. 1/22.

IN/IL/OH potluck will be 4-6pm at the Hole in the Wall on Thu. 1/23. Bring table service, beverage & dish to share. Please sign up in Activities.

Calling all Canadians! Don’t forget to come to Activities to sign up for our annual Potluck on Sun. 1/26 in the Hole in the Wall 3:30-6:30pm. Bring your table setting, beverage, & dish to share.

Card & Gift sales will be on Sat. 1/23 in the Hole in the Wall 10am-2pm.

Dance tickets for the Soul Impressions Band for Sat. 1/25 are available in Activities. $10 in advance $11 at the door. This will be their full band which will play Motown, rock n roll, blues, & more. www.soulimpressions.com


Lightening makes no sound until it strikes- Martin Luther King Jr.