Thanksgiving Potluck

Sundance 1 RV Resort 1703 N. Thornton Road, Casa Grande, AZ, United States

Sundance family gathers in the Hole in the Wall for our annual potluck at 4PM.  The park supplies the turkey and gravy.  Residents are asked to bring a dish to share and their beverage of choice.  Be sure to sign up in the Activities Office for a table reservation.

Christmas Day Potluck

Sundance 1 RV Resort 1703 N. Thornton Road, Casa Grande, AZ, United States

Sundance's annual Christmas Day Potluck begins at 4pm.  The park supplies the meat and the residents each bring a dish to pass.  You'll need to also bring your table service and flatware along with your beverage of choice.  Be sure to sign up to reserve your table.

Christmas Pot Luck

It's time for our traditional Sundance Family Potluck. The 2 Old Dudes will be preparing both turkey and ham supplied by the owners. The residents will supply the rest of the meal via potluck. Be sure to sign up for a table in the Activity Office.

CO/NE Potluck

Come join your fellow neighbors from your states of Colorado and Nebraska in the Hole in the Wall - You'll have a great time!

IL/IN/OH Potluck

Come join your neighbors from Illinois, Ohio, and Indiana for a potluck in the Hole in the Wall - great fun guaranteed.

Canadian Potluck

Come join your fellow Canadians for a potluck in the Hole in the Wall - You're sure to enjoy yourselves, eh?

ND,SD,MT,WY Potluck

Come and enjoy the company of residents from your home state. We'll meet in the Hangout Room.

WA,ID,OR,CA Potluck

Come join those residents from your home state for a scrumptious potluck. We'll meet in the Hangout Room.

Iowa Potluck

Come join your neighbors from Iowa for a potluck in the Hole in the Wall. Bring your appetite!

Minnesota Potluck

Come join those residents from your home state of Minnesota for a wonderful meal and fellowship. We'll meet in the Hole in the Wall.

Wisconsin Potluck

Please join us for fellowship and a scrumptious meal with your other Wisconsin residents. We'll meet in the Hole in the Wall

Christmas Eve Chili & Soup Potluck

Sundance 1 RV Resort 1703 N. Thornton Road, Casa Grande, AZ, United States

5pm at the Hole in the Wall. Bring your favorite pot of chili or cooker of soup to share with attendees. Sign up in Activities and we hope to see you there.  Bring your own tableware & beverage. No gift exchange.

Christmas Potluck

Sundance 1 RV Resort 1703 N. Thornton Road, Casa Grande, AZ, United States

4pm at the Hole in the Wall. Bring your tableware, dish to share, & beverage. Ham will be served. Sign up in Activities.

The Monthly Events Calendar is active in the peak season and varies each month. Monthly events include Pot Lucks, Holiday Parties, Dances with Live Music, Dinner Theatre, Plays, Concerts with Live Music and planned Excursions to name some but not all. Events will vary month to month and some events will highlight the seasons festivities.

This interactive events calendar allows you to look at events by the day, week or month. Look for the “Events In” link to select dates to search for events. You can also search by type of event. You can also locate events by “near” for searching events based your location, and then the drop down to view as Month, Week, Day, or List.

If you want to know more or what’s coming up next, you can subscribe to our Newsletter for updates and changes. OR you can contact the Activities Office to help you with any questions.