Thank you to everyone who voted and participated in the Town Council election. A big congrats to the winners, Alan, Sheri, Terry . Congrats to all.
Harmony Health is parked by the Gambling Room today and will return on Thu. 3/5.
2 Old Dudes are open at the Hole in the Wall 11am-2pm for lunch. They will also be open this evening 4-6:30pm with a lighter dinner menu.
Sundance Bingo returns tonight at the Hole in the Wall. Card sales 6-6:45pm with game at 7pm. Open to Sundance, Fairways, and their registered guests only. Name badges are required and players must be 18 y/o to play.
Wed. 3/4 WW meeting is in the Gambling Room 7:30-8:30am.
Genealogy will meet 10-11:30am in the Gambling Room. Kit Harras will be doing a program called “What is Ancestory DNA’s true lines and why would I want to use it.” Everyone is welcome to come.
WI your potluck is in the Gambling Room 4:30-6:30pm. Sign up in Activities.
Jerry & Judy Back to the 60’s Show will be at the Hole in the Wall Wednesday evening at 7pm. Tickets are $10 in advance or $11 at the door.
Neighborhood Watch meeting will be in the Hang Out room on Thu. 3/5, 8:30-9:15am. If you missed the first one, please attend.
Later this week–
Our last Country Store will be on Fri 3/6 in the Hole in the Wall 9am-12pm. Stop on in and support local crafters and small businesses. 2 Old Dudes will be serving breakfast and lunch 7am-1pm.
Sundance Blood Drive will be on Sat. 3/7 at the Hole in the Wall 8am-12pm. Sign up in Activities or walk-ins are welcome.
8am-12pm Patio sales will be in Sundance 1 & 2.
***Due to the light response to the 3 Speed Band scheduled for this Saturday night we will be cancelling this event. We will be contacting those who have pre-paid. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.
The best thing you can wear is a smile- 🙂